Succession Planning and Career Planning

Succession Planning

Our belief is that in many organisations the process of succession planning is too one dimensional. An example of this is when only those that report to a role are evaluated as potential successors.


What we should be doing is firstly evaluating everyone within the organisation, and potential outsiders, to ascertain which individuals have “fit” to the role. Once we have identified individuals with fit, we can then examine more closely whether they have the required experience and knowledge and, if not, whether the organisation is prepared to invest in the individual.  

Benefits of a more objective approach to succession planning include:  

  • Objective search for successors

  • Identify potential stars that may be missed in traditional, subjective processes

  • Reduce the incidence of promoting people to incompetence  

Career Planning

One of the greatest challenges that managers face is retaining top performers. While solid people management and leadership skills will go most of the way in most situations, providing star performers with an objective and achievable career plan can sometimes be the difference.

By assessing your top performers using JobFit assessments, we can measure their “fit” against every supervisory, management and leadership role in your organisation. This ability to take a more objective and holistic view lessens the barriers that can occur in the more subjective traditional process.